Net and DCIM infrastructures monitoring

ConsolOne > Solutions  > Type of control > Net and DCIM infrastructures monitoring


Checks and manages your company nets from only one interface

Consolone© is a monitoring system that helps you check and manage, in an easy way, your net infrastructures from a single interface. The system is modular, able to manage resources of several producers and it makes the Governance of each device easy, without the need to know different languages or use different consoles.

Consolone© gives you a centralized control where all the net devices (Switch Router, PC, Printing machines, Firewall Wi-fi) are monitored by a single interface offering technical – functional and informative – operative data.

The system, in a more detailed way, allows you to manage and monitor:

  • Band graphs
  • Resources usages and performances
  • Tracking operating criticalities
  • Tracking functional anomalies
  • Trend on the functional history
  • Trend on the resources’ usage history

Analyze the data according to the Business Intelligence

Consolone© is a monitoring system that perfectly fits with the most important management protocols (SNMP, API, Logging, MAIL) and connects automatically to your resources by interpreting and analysing the data in an automatic way.


We collect the data on usages and the performances of each resource in detailed reports, according to your needs. You can use the information according to the Business Intelligence perspective, to develop optimization policies for your business and transform the monitoring job in a remarkable business strategy for your company.

Consolone© fits with PC and Mac OS. You can use it to configure and manage from a single interface the two infrastructures, and check:

  • System access log
  • Resources’ use
  • Installed softwares
  • Active processes
  • Working applications and their operational impact
  • Software licenses analysis
  • Software analysis not allowed

Consolone© provides, furthermore, the integration of Teamviewer for remote assistance.

We guarantee you the continuous assistance

Consolone© is remotely managed by our team of qualified technicians. In case of critical issues and/or malfunctioning, we try to point out and isolate the fault and intervene in real time.

Our ConsolONE© customer service is guaranteed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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Find out how to make the most of Consolone © modular monitoring and keep every corporate infrastructure under control