ConsolONE vs Covid19: Retail

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ConsolONE vs Covid19: Retail

18th MAY THE RETAIL STARTS AGAIN ConsolONE© for Retail is the monitoring system that helps you always control each source of your shop. A system, complete, designed and made to have a capillary and detailed control of each device active in its sale point. ☑️ body temperature control (according to the suggestion of the PMD COVID 19) ☑️ social spacing in the common environments (according to the suggestion of the PMD COVID 19) ☑ ️ attendance count (according to the suggestion of the PMD COVID 19) ☑️ Environmental control ☑️ Management of the safety plants management ☑️ Turnout control with the interactive management of particular areas ☑️ Operative control of the cashiers with integration and management of the fiscal data ☑️ Control of computers and terminals for the operative management of warehouse and items ☑️ Control and management of the video-surveillance with the possibility to integrate the anti-theft system ☑️ Wifi management control for guests and warehouse management ☑ ️Control and management of the safety areas ☑️Smart control of the dressing-rooms ☑️ Digital signage management for the advertisement messages ☑️ Control and management of the speakers for advertisements and warnings.

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